What You Need to Know About Life Insurance Offered By Superannuation Funds

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Superannuation is an important financial support that provides money to live on after retirement. Paid by your employer in addition to your salary and wages, superannuation also provides tax benefits. There are several types of superannuation funds and most of them provide life insurance. As there are multiple super funds, the life insurance cover and related aspects are also different, which we explain in this article.

Types of Super Insurance

  • Total and Permanent Disability Cover – TPD covers conditions when you become injured, disable and won’t be able to work again.
  • Death Cover – Provides a lump sum amount or as regular income to the beneficiaries when you die.
  • Income Protection Cover – Provides an income stream up to a stated period when you suffer from an illness or incapacity to not being able to work.
The premium for the insurance cover is paid through your fund. Usually the default cover provided by the employer includes death and TPD. If you want, you can change the amount of the default cover. To check what type of insurance you have through your super fund and what it covers, you can visit the fund’s web portal and get complete details through the available Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). You can also call your super fund or go through the annual statement to learn more about the insurance cover, including how the premium is calculated and how you have been classified.

Benefits You Get From Insurance through Superannuation

  • May be cheaper
  • Automatic deduction of the premium
  • Coverage for you and your family
  • You can increase or decrease the cover amount
  • No health check-ups required for cover in some super funds

Important Factors to Remember About Insurance through Cover

  • Coverage ends at a certain age (generally 65 or 70). To get cover for a longer period you will need to have another policy.
  • The default cover may be limited and you may have to look for outside super to meet your needs.
  • If there is no beneficiary nominated then the super trustee has the say in deciding who gets paid.
  • The claim process may be slower in some cases.
  • The insurance premiums may increase when you change jobs.

What if You Find You Have no Insurance Cover through your Super Fund?

Call your Super fund provider and make some enquiries.  Make sure you keep yourself informed from the start and know how to manage your fund.

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